«… « It makes sense to seek legal advice first if there are questions about or disputes on the terms of a personal loan,” says Jean-Luc Delli, head of the Rechtsatelier. Parties can, for example, change the loan contract and agree that the debtor will only (but still) repay part of the loan or repay it in instalments; that the lender will extend his payment period or that the interest rate will be reduced. This can be the case, for example, if the lender wants his money back within a few weeks in the case of an open-ended loan, but the debtor has invested the funds in a property or an equity fund. Such win-win solutions can hardly be achieved in court proceedings…»
Published in the print NZZ of 4 February 2022 (available online at: https://www.nzz.ch/finanzen/private-finanzen/privatdarlehen-anlagealternative-mit-fallstricken-ld.1668025)